Thursday, 4 April 2019

Brexit Briefing March 2019

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Jane Lambert

Had all gone according to plan, this would have been my first post exit day Brexit Briefing.  However, the UK is still a full member of the European Union at least until 12 April 2019 on the terms that I mentioned in Extension of Art 30 Notice Period 27 March 2019.  What happens after that will depend on the European Council meeting which shall take place on 10 April 2019, the current discussions between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition and the fate of the European Union (Withdrawal) (No 5) Bill in the House of Lords. 

Since the last Brexit Briefing, there has been a massive demonstration for a second referendum on the streets of London (see Brexit march: Million joined Brexit protest, organisers say 23 March 2019 BBC website) and 6,061,092 individuals appear to have signed an online petition to revoke Mrs May's notification of intent to withdraw from the EU which she served on 29 March 2017.  President Tusk referred to those manifestations of support for the European Union in his address to the European Parliament which elicited the response from Richard Ashworth MEP shown above. These are but straws in the wind but it is probably fair to say that the danger of a Brit8ish departure from the EU without a withdrawal agreement has receded slightly and the prospects of remaining within the bloc either through a second referendum or a straightforward revocation have advanced slightly.

Both the European Union and the United Kingdom have been making preparations for the UK's departure from the EU without a deal,  According to the Commission's press release of 25 March 2019, the EU's preparations are complete and can be viewed on its Brexit preparedness website.  British preparations are continuing and those that have been made so far appear on the Prepare for EU Exit site.

Anyone wishing to discuss this article or brexit, in general, should call me on 020 7404 5252 during office or send me a message through my contact page.

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