United States of America

5 May2020   Joint Statement of UK International Trade Secretary Liz Truss and USTR Robert Lighthizer

4 Mar 2020  Jane Lambert  The Department for International Trade's Proposals for a US-UK Free Trade Agreement

1 Mar 2020  Press release: Liz Truss kick starts UK-US trade talks

27 Feb 2020   Press release International Trade Secretary meets US Trade Representative

7 Feb 2020  Press release: Trade Minister champions UK SMEs in US ahead of trade talks  Department for International trade

18 Oct 2018   Trump Administration Announces Intent to Negotiate Trade Agreements with Japan, the European Union and the United Kingdom  US Trade Representative

15 July 2019  Sixth Meeting of the U.S.-UK Trade and Investment Working Group  US Trade Representative

24 Jun 2019  Press release International Trade Secretary’s vision for new UK-USA trade agreement Department for International Trade

Feb 2019  United States-United KingdomNegotiationsSummary of Specific Negotiating Objectives  US Trade Representative

29 Jan 2019  Transcript of pubic hearing on negotiating objectives on US-UK trade agreement   US Trade Representative

15 Jan 2019   Negotiating Objectives for a U.S.-United Kingdom Trade Agreement US Trade Representative

22 Oct 2019 Antony Phillipson  Leaving the EU gives us an unprecedented chance to boost trade with the US  Department for International Trade

11 Sep 2018   Fifth Meeting of the U.S.-UK Trade and Investment Working Group  US Trade Representative

25 July 2018   Liam Fox  The Case for Free Trade  Department for International Trade

13 July 2018  Fourth Meeting of the U.S.-UK Trade and Investment Working Group US Trade Representative

23 Mar 2018   Readout of the 3rd Meeting of the U.S.-UK Trade and Investment Working Group and the 1st Meeting of the U.S.-UK SME Dialogue  US Trade Representative

15 Nov 2017  Joint Statement on the Second Meeting of the U.S.-UK Trade and Investment Working Group US Trade Representative

24 July 2017  Joint Release by Ambassador Lighthizer and Dr Liam Fox  US Trade Representative

Further Information

Jane Lambert

+44 (0)20 7404 5252

UK Joins the CPTPP

Author L.Tak   Licence CC BY-SA 4.0   Source   Wikimedia Commons   Jane Lambert On Sunday 15 Dec 2024, the United Kingdom became the 12th m...